Сообщество украинцев


- Early Evolution of Life: Study of Ribosome Evolution Challenges 'RNA World' Hypothesis
- Study Shines Light On Brain Mechanism That Controls Reward Enjoyment
- Stem Cells Can Repair a Damaged Cornea
- Honeycombs of Magnets Could Lead to New Type of Computer Processing
- Less Summer Arctic Sea Ice Cover Means Colder, Snowier Winters in Central Europe
- Scientists Create First Atomic X-Ray Laser
- Marine Biodiversity Loss Due to Global Warming and Predation, Study Predicts
- Bacteria Use Chat to Play the 'Prisoner's Dilemma' Game in Deciding Their Fate
- Quick-Cooking Nanomaterials in Microwave to Make Tomorrow's Air Conditioners
- Afghans Share Unique Genetic Heritage, DNA Analysis Shows
- Egg-Producing Stem Cells Isolated from Adult Human Ovaries
- Climate Shift Could Leave Some Marine Species Homeless
- Neanderthals and Their Contemporaries Engineered Stone Tools, Anthropologists Discover
- Asteroid Lutetia: Primitive Body from Solar System's Planet-Forming Period
- Picky Females Promote Diversity
- Large Nest of Juvenile Dinosaurs, First of Their Genus Ever Found
- Climate Changes Faster Than Species Can Adapt, Rattlesnake Study Finds
- Hubble Reveals a New Class of Extrasolar Planet
- 'Dark Plasmons' Transmit Energy
- Severe Python Damage to Florida's Native Everglades Animals Documented in New Study
- Scientists Prove Plausibility of New Pathway to Life's Chemical Building Blocks
- Brain Parasite Directly Alters Brain Chemistry
- New Image Captures 'Stealth Merger' of Dwarf Galaxies
- Light Created from a Vacuum: Casimir Effect Observed in Superconducting Circuit
- Saturn-Like Ring System Eclipses Sun-Like Star
- Societal Control of Sugar Essential to Ease Public Health Burden, Experts Urge
- Antarctic Killer Whales May Seek Spa-Like Relief in the Tropics
- Monarch Butterfly Genome Sequenced
- Python Study May Have Implications for Human Heart Health
- Overfishing Threatens the Survival of Seabirds
- Astronomers Take a Photograph of the Youngest Supernova Right After Its Explosion
- Computer Program Scores 150 in IQ Test, Swedish Researchers Demonstrate
- Yosemite's Alpine Chipmunks Take Genetic Hit from Climate Change
- When Dinosaurs Roamed a Fiery Landscape
- Off Switch for Pain? Chemists Build Light-Controlled Neural Inhibitor
- Surface of Mars an Unlikely Place for Life After 600-Million-Year Drought, Say Scientists
- Erasing Signs of Aging in Human Cells Now a Reality
- Laser Hints at How Universe Got Its Magnetism
- More Trans Fat Consumption Linked to Greater Aggression, Researchers Find
- Single Antibody Shrinks Variety of Human Tumors Transplanted Into Mice, Study Shows
- Researchers Build Transparent, Super-Stretchy Skin-Like Sensor
- Fruit Flies Use Alcohol as a Drug to Kill Parasites
- 'Robot Biologist' Solves Complex Problem from Scratch
- NASA's Spitzer Detects Comet Storm in Nearby Solar System
- Caught in the Act: Scientists Discover Microbes Speciating
- Savanna Chimps Exhibit Human-Like Sharing Behavior, Anthropologists Say
- Bigger, Scarier Weapons Help Spiders Get the Girl
- Chimpanzees Have Police Officers, Too
- Plant-Eating Dinosaur Discovered in Antarctica
- Discovery May Lead to Safer Treatments for Asthma, Allergies and Arthritis
- Rebuilding the Brain's Circuitry
- Microprocessors from Graphene: Discoveries May Advance Electronic Circuit Technology
- Record Massive Black Holes Discovered Lurking in Monster Galaxies
- Sea Change Can Forecast South American Wildfires
- Hippocampus Plays Bigger Memory Role Than Previously Thought
- World's First Super Predator Had Remarkable Vision
- Sunshade Geoengineering More Likely to Improve Global Food Security, Research Suggests
- Amazing Skin Gives Sharks a Push
- Some Bacteria Attack Using Spring-Loaded Poison Daggers
- Workings of Molecular Motor Revealed
- Six to Nine-Month-Olds Understand the Meaning of Many Spoken Words
- Past in Monsoon Changes Linked to Major Shifts in Indian Civilizations
- Archaeologists Find New Evidence of Animals Being Introduced to Prehistoric Caribbean
- Neither Birth nor Death Stops a Flock, New Theory Shows
- Breaking Up Isn't Hard to Do: The Secret Lives of Corals On Dark and Stormy Nights
- Extreme Weather of Last Decade Part of Larger Pattern Linked to Global Warming
- Successful Human Tests for First Wirelessly Controlled Drug-Delivery Chip
- Just Another Pretty Face: New Insight Into Neural Basis of Prosopagnosia
- Astronomers Find Fastest Rotating Star
- Brain Imaging Differences Evident at 6 Months in High-Risk Infants Who Later Develop Autism
- Recharge Your Cell Phone With a Touch? New Nanotechnology Converts Body Heat Into Power
- More Powerful Supercomputers? New Device Could Bring Optical Information Processing
- Lutetia: A Rare Survivor from the Birth of Earth
- Archaeologists Find Blade 'Production Lines' Existed as Much as 400,000 Years Ago
- Bolivia's Jaguars Set a Record
- New Study Lowers Estimate of Ancient Sea-Level Rise
- Obstacles No Barrier to Higher Speeds for Worms
- Surprise Finding Redraws 'Map' of Blood Cell Production
- Floor of Oldest Fossilized Forest Discovered: 385 Million Years Old
- Evolution Is Written All Over Your Face
- Simpler Times: Did an Earlier Genetic Molecule Predate DNA and RNA?
- Castles in the Desert: Satellites Reveal Lost Cities of Libya
- How the Milky Way Killed Off Nearby Galaxies
- Analyses of a Tiny Comet Grain Dates Jupiter's Formation
- New Layer of Genetic Information Helps Determine How Fast Proteins Are Produced
- Wave Character of Individual Molecules Revealed
- How Does Our Brain Know What Is a Face and What's Not?
- Eastern U.S. Forests Not Keeping Pace With Climate Change, Large Study Finds
- Tiny Primate Is Ultrasonic Communicator
- New Material to Remove Radioactive Gas from Spent Nuclear Fuel
- Faraway Eris Is Pluto's Twin
- Human Skull Is Highly Integrated: Study Sheds New Light On Evolutionary Changes
- Bacteria Tend Leafcutter Ants' Gardens
- Neuroscientists Identify How the Brain Works to Select What We (Want To) See
- Humans Began Walking Upright to Carry Scarce Resources, Chimp Study Suggests
- Breakthrough in Treatment to Prevent Blindness
- Young Stars Flicker Amidst Clouds of Gas and Dust
- A Planetary System from the Early Universe
- Genes Linked to Cancer Could Be Easier to Detect With Liquid Lasers
- Badwater Basin: Death Valley Microbe May Spark Novel Biotech and Nanotech Uses
- Solar Storms Could Sandblast the Moon
- Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Converted Into Brain Support Cells
- Planet Population Is Plentiful: Planets Around Stars Are the Rule Rather Than the Exception
- Milky Way's Black Hole Found Grazing On Asteroids
- Studying Bat Skulls, Evolutionary Biologists Discover How Species Evolve
- Great Eruption Replay: Astronomers Watch Delayed Broadcast of Powerful Stellar Eruption
- Powerful New Cells Cloned: Key to Immune System Disease Could Lie Inside the Cheek
- DNA Nanorobot Triggers Targeted Therapeutic Responses

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